Other Information About SLDS
► Health & Safety, Safeguarding & Media Policies
We have numerous policies and procedures in place to keep our students as safe as possible. Please see below and contact your administrator if you would like a full list of our policies.
South London Dance School – Safeguarding for Staff and Volunteers updated 19082022
Physical Contact Policy for Teachers at SLDS 31082021
SLDS First Aid for Children Policy
SLDS Photography and Filming Policy
South London Dance School H&S Policy
► Student and parent / carer conduct
Students are expected to behave with respect and consideration at all times. Our policies below give further information. Anyone else who enters our premises or communicates with us is required to conduct themselves in line with our Terms & Conditions and relevant policies.
► Absences
If a child is not preparing for an examination or performance, we do not need to be informed if they will miss only one or two lessons. However, please do notify the office if your child will miss three or more lessons in succession.
If a child is preparing for an examination or performance, you must notify the office as soon as you know your child will not be able to attend the lesson or examination practise. In most cases a private lesson will need to be arranged for your child your catch up on the work he / she has missed.
► Lateness
Please view our ‘lateness policy’ by clicking the link below:
► Keeping in Touch
Please ensure that you call or e-mail the office if you change address, telephone number or e-mail address. During term time, if you will not be checking your e-mails for a period of two weeks or more, please let us know.
► Moving up to the next level class(es) without examination
A child can remain in a level for one to six terms due to differing rates of physical and cognitive development; it is not unusual to remain in a level for over a year so that work can be developed the most suitable rate for the individual.
If your child’s teacher decides that they are ready to move up to the next level of class from the following term, the invoice you receive a few weeks before the end of term will provide full details of the new class day and time so please always read your invoice carefully and contact use if you have any problems.
As our teachers are qualified and experienced professionals, we politely request that parents / guardians don’t question their judgement over whether a child is ready to move up to the next level, but we do suggest parents attend enrolment day to obtain feedback from the teacher on their child’s progress and development.
► New students aged 9 years plus with experience
In most circumstances it is necessary for new students aged 9 years plus who have had any previous experience in dance to undertake an assessment to establish their entry level before commencing classes. Assessment fee will depend on whether it is an in class or individual assessment.
► Physical Development
Teachers endeavour to keep parents / guardians informed of any concerns over the physical development or alignment of a child. This may involve recommendation to seek professional medical advice, or the demonstration of basic remedial exercises. This is for the long term physical benefit of the child whether they do or do not wish to enter into the dance profession.
► Progress Reports, Watching Classes and Feedback
Parents/Carers are invited to watch their child’s first dance class in the first week of term to ensure they settle in. We do not allow parents to watch every lesson as the distraction of a large audience would significantly affect the progress of the children. However, if a child has any problems settling into a class we will, of course, liaise with their parents to find the best solution.
Thereafter, parents of our youngest children are invited to observe their child’s class towards the end of every term and parents of our older students are invited during the spring term to view progress. Please note that no young children or babies are allowed into the studio with their parent(s)/carer(s) to watch a class. This is for the benefit of the children participating so that focus can be sustained. On the occasion we feel that a class is not ready for observation, we would notify the relevant parents in advance.
Written progress reports are given to children in Primary ballet (II) and Grade 1 tap / modern (II) and above each July. Below these grades and in subjects other than ballet, tap and modern, a formal report is not provided; we would however, contact the parent / guardian if appropriate.
Our teachers are not able to provide written feedback at any other time during the academic year, so please do make use of the feedback day opportunities provided (see below) to communicate with your child’s teacher.
If you require a written reference for your child’s school application then please email the Upper School Administrator at least 4 weeks in advance and we will do our best to assist.
The best opportunity to obtain detailed feedback from your child’s teacher is on feedback day which is held each term usually on a Sunday(refer to newsletters for dates). Teachers kindly give up their time once a term to provide this opportunity for parents / guardians. We hope you support and appreciate this exceptional service which sets SLDS apart from the majority of other dance schools.
If a teacher had any concern regarding a child’s development or behaviour, rest assured we would contact you immediately. Likewise, if you have a particular concern and it cannot wait until feedback day, please call or e-mail the office. As changeover times between classes are minimal and teachers need to have a break and reset equipment, we ask that parents / guardians choose a more suitable time to discuss progress.
► Birthday Parties
We run fun dance parties on selected Sunday’s and during school holidays for children’s birthdays. The children all have a fantastic time whilst learning dance movements / routines they can show to their parents and friends.
Your child could choose to have a street dancing party, ballet dancing party or themed dance party. If you are interested in getting more information on this, please contact us to get an application form and check available dates.
Other Information About SLDS: